What should we do if someone gets an electric shock?

First aid steps for electric shock:

1 - Try to disconnect the source of power supply, such as output plug or disconnect the electric current from the electricity distribution panel, or turn off the same electrical device, such as the saw or the air conditioner or other.

2- To expedite the request of the aid of the first aid team.

3. If it is not possible to turn off the power source, try using one of the dry and unplugged objects to keep the patient away from the current, such as a wooden stick, chair or other furniture.

4 - Avoid approaching the injured to a few meters, when it is near the source of live electricity.

5 - Once the casualty is safe from the electrical current, check the safety of the respiratory tract, ie the mouth or nose and throat from any obstruction or paid to prevent breathing, and make sure the flow of breathing through the sensation of air out of the nose or mouth and chest movement, Pulse his heart across the arteries of the neck or even the wrist, if there is any stop in the heart or breathing, start the steps of CPR.

6 - Avoid touching the injured as long as it is close to or contact with the source of electricity only after the use of insulation as a glove of thick cloth or skin.

7. Avoid removing the skin from burning or rupturing the water bags on the surface.

8. Avoid placing snow, butter, ointment, medicines or cotton covers on burns, except cold and running water to relieve pain.

9 - Avoid the random movement of the body of any infected as possible.

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